Matching expenses and credit card transactions

Credit card transactions are a popular way to pay for a number of things, and this also extends to paying on behalf of your company. Travel and Expense management makes it trivial to report these, especially if you have set up Credit Card Agreements, as you will be able to automatically match with fitting expense reports.

Inevitably you will want to pay for some expenses by way of credit card transactions. This may be for a piece of necessary office furniture, or for a subscription to a service that makes your workday a bit easier. Whatever it is, you will want it to be documented properly.

Travel and Expense Management allows you to match these with expenses. When you have submitted the expense, you can match it with your credit card transaction as you receive it, or automatically, if you have set up the credit card agreements. Some companies may not activate this feature, in which case you will not have to wait for the credit card transaction to come in. Instead you simply send in the expense as you would any other. This also means the procedure is the same, until the transaction comes in.

If you wish to learn how to use this feature, you can find this with one of the following links:

Matching expenses might look like this

Kimmie needs a new program for her work process. She goes online and signs herself up for the subscription using her personal credit card. Previously, Kimmie has had her credit card added as an associated card, so she does not have to worry about preparing anything. At the end of the month as the payment is due, Kimmie goes on her Travel and Expense Management app and creates an expense for the subscription fee. Not long thereafter the credit card transaction goes through, and is immediately uploaded to Travel and Expense Management. Kimmie notices, and checks through the app that the transaction and expense is indeed matched, and finds that they are, and like that her job is done.