Structured Message on Sales Invoice
When the Structured Message setup is filled in, a structured reference is printed on the posted sales invoice. You can choose whether you print the Belgium or European Structured message. This field is calculated based on the chosen parameters by the user and is stored in the customer ledger entry table. It will also be shown on the sales invoice layout, so that customers can see which reference they should use when processing the payment.
Choose the icon, enter Business Central Accelerator for Sales Setup.
Choose the General fastTab in the Business Central Accelerator for Sales Setup and flag Print Structured Message.
The field Format Structured Message is used to determine how the OGM will be calculated.
The options are:
- Blank: No OGM is created
- Document: only the posted sales invoice number is used to create the OGM
- Customer + document: a combination of the customer number and the posted sales invoice number is used to create the OGM.
The Print Structured Message field determines whether or not the calculated OGM is shown on the sales invoice layout.
Countries/Regions: Within the table of County/Region (table 9) there is an extra field Structured Message Type. You can choose between None, Belgium or European.
Customer Card: Another possibility is to select the different types of structured message for each customer separately. In the Businsess Central Accelerator FastTab of the customer card, select a structured message for the customer.On the customer card, the type of structured message will be copied from the selected country code. The type of message can still be changed for the specific customer if desired.
The structured message type will automatically be filled in for new customers when selecting a country code, but for existing customers, the field should still be filled in manually. Another option is to revalidate the country code on the customer card, after which the structured message type from the country code will be filled in.
Choose the
icon, enter Sales Invoice , and Post (invoice) it.
When the setup is done, the structured message is provided in the Customer Ledger Entries. The selected structured message should also be visible under the payment instructions.
Print the invoice.
When the invoice is printed on the Business Central Accelerator layout, the OGM field is shown, since the Print Structured Message on the Business Central Accelerator for Sales Setup has been checked. On the Invoice, you can find the selected structured message under Business Central Accelerator fastTab.