Extra parameters in Sales & Receivables setup
Business Central Accelerator provides a General fastTab in the Business Central Accelerator for Sales. On this fastTab, users can select extra parameters in order to make sure that Business Central is better aligned with the sales processes of their organization. The different parameters are explained in the following paragraphs.
Choose the icon, enter Business Central Accelerator Setup for Sales and then choose the related link.
On the Business Central Accelerator Setup for Sales, in the General FastTab the following features are added:
Block Inv. from Orders
When posting a sales order, the user must choose whether he wants to post the order as shipped only, invoiced only, or both. This parameter prevents the user to post both shipment and invoice by pressing the post button. A shipment can be undone, but not if invoiced, and sometimes invoicing is done in another department. By activating the flag Block Invoicing From Orders, it is only possible to post the order as shipped only.
- Choose the
icon, enter Business Central Accelerator Setup for Sales.
- Choose the General fastTab, and activate the flag Block Inv. From Orders
- Choose the
icon, enter sales order
- Create and post the sales order In case the parameter Block Inv. From Orders would not be checked, the user would get the options "Ship, Invoice, Ship & Invoice". However, now that the parameter is checked the user only gets the questions "Do you want to post the receipt ?"
There is hence no possibility anymore to directly invoice the order. This will have to be done via a sales invoice.
Keep Orders After Posting
If an order is fully posted (both shipped and invoiced), and when the invoicing is done directly from the order (so not via a sales invoice using the "Get Shipment Lines" function) then the sales order is deleted in standard Business Central. Some companies like to keep the order for month-end statistical reporting. By activating the flag Keep Orders After Posting, fully posted orders will remain in the order list. Only the data cleanup function allows the administrator to clean the order file.
- Choose the General fastTab in Business Central Accelerator Setup for Sales. Activate the flag Keep Orders after Posting. Make sure that "Block Inv. from Orders" is not checked, since the order deletion that we want to prevent occurs only when shipment and invoicing of the order is done directly from the order.
- Choose the
icon, enter sales order
- Create a sales order and click the Post button and select Ship and Invoice. You can also first select ship, and afterwards click Post again to invoice the order by choosing Invoice. In both cases, the order will not be removed from the order list, while this would have happened in standard Business Central.
Sales Price Mandatory
By activating the flag Sales Price mandatory, Business Central will prevent the user to post an order or invoice with one or more lines with no Line Amount. A 100% discount is still allowed. This feature is only applicable for the usage of items.
- Choose General fastTab in Business Central Accelerator Setup for Sales. On the Item card the setup can be different from the default setup. On the item card, default is the standard value and follows the process of the setup of “Sales & Receivables Setup”. If you want to differ the setup for an item you have this feature on the item card to change the type of message you receive during posting of this item.
- Choose the
icon, enter sales order,
- Create a sales order or sales invoice and make sure that at least one line has a Line Amount Excl. VAT of zero. Click the Post button and select Ship and Invoice.
The user will receive an error or a warning depending on the setup.
- In case of warning: Unit Price Excl. VAT must be filled for item XXX. Do you want to post anyway?
- In case of no warning: The document posts, nothing happens.
In case of blocked: An error appear that the Unit Price should be filled
However, when there is a 100% line discount, which causes the Line Amount Excl. VAT to be zero, Business Central Accelerator will take this into account and will make sure that the invoice can be posted without error message.
This feature is only applicable for the type “Item”.
No Inv. Without SO Match
By activating the flag No Inv. Without SO Match, Business Central will refuse to post an invoice for items if there is no match with an order. The system does not allow to ship directly from the invoice, the correct procedure is to work through a sales order and on the sales invoice use the Get Shipment Lines function.
- Choose the
icon, enter Business Central Accelerator Setup for Sales
- Choose General fastTab, Activate the flag No Inv. without Order Match
- Create a sales invoice,that is not linked to a sales order (don’t use the Get Shipment Lines function, for example). Click the Post button.
- You will get the error message: Shipment No must have a value in Sales Line. The user will not be able to post the invoice until a sales order (and hence shipment number) is linked to it.
This feature is only applicable for the type “Item”.